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It is not unusual to be happy when something new comes up. Thus we wish you a happy new month and the next. We believe you experienced many things in the previous month, which probably brought either joy or sorrow into your lives. However, in all things the Bible says, “give thanks” to God.

For those things which brought sorrow, doubt, fear or some mixed feelings into your lives, we say “cheer up” ! You are still alive, and there is hope of a brighter future. Do not allow those things to weigh down on you and stagnate your life. You have to be positive.

God is saying, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a NEW THING. Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it ? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”- Isaiah 43:18-19.

Friends, God has no hands, no feet, etc, but ours. God can only do the new things He has promised, through people like You ! God is looking for people through whom He can work His wonders and blessings! Will you be one of those people ?

May you be that person through whom God will do new things for the blessing of His people in this season. For this to happen, you first of all have to be made new(renewed) in your inner man before God can use you to bless His people. Remember, new wine should be poured only in new wineskins for maximum effect, and a piece of an old garment should not be put on an old one(Luke 5:36-37)..

If this is your desire, then you need to make a commitment now to be a positively new person(vessel) suitable for God’s purpose. Beginning this new month, be a new person in your love of God and man; in your positive thought processes; in your positive actions of all sorts; in practicing kindness to others; in your love, respect and help of others; new strategies and attitudes in accomplishing tasks and assignments; in having new visions and perspectives… Be a new person in your heart, and the newness shall be reflected in your positive lifestyle. Just try it, and share this truth with others. See you in our next write up.

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