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Preaching The Gospel In All The World

Dear Brethren, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. I am prompted in my spirit to ask: what is our attitude to evangelism and soul winning? What preoccupies our minds when we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ? Are we preoccupied with doing God’s will or to fulfil or own selfish agendas?

Soul winning is what moves God; soul winning is what makes God most happy. God has impressed in our hearts that He wants to do new things in the lives of His people. God wants a new spirit within us as far as soul winning is concerned; He wants us to adopt new strategies in evangelism and ultimately soul winning.

I had the opportunity of meeting Bishop WAHL Abrahams of Namibia, during the Africa Haggai Institute Alumni Summit in Accra, Ghana. He made a statement that has remained inscribed in my memory. He said God told him one day that, He (God) has called us to the church without the walls, but we are comfortable in the church within the walls. Bishop WAHL Abrahams narrated that, when he got this message from God, he immediately put aside his Bishopric seat and garments, and started moving into the streets personally to evangelize and win souls.

Can there be a better truth than what God told Bishop Wahl Abrahams, considering what is happening around us today? It is easily observed that, many Ministers of the gospel and their followers have a very high denominational or ‘churchy’ mindset. Many of them do not care about what is happening out of the four walls of the church house. They have no preoccupation about evangelism and soul winning – they may mention these at times, but have no burden for lost souls who are out of the church walls ! At best, these people are invited to come to the church house for programs or services.

Brethren, it is high time that we develop a Kingdom mindset. It is time we move out of the church walls (though not neglecting the people within the church walls), to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, to the nations. Brethren, let us take the gospel to those millions of people who are out of the church walls, and bring them to the place of commitment to Jesus’ lordship over their lives: Matt. 28:19-20;Mk. 16:15-16.
Brethren, dear Ministers of the gospel, dear disciples, there is the urgency for us to increase and improve on our evangelism and soul winning focus and strategies. This is so, for the following reasons, as some studies have shown:
Islam is gaining more grounds and advancing faster than Christianity, whereas we the Christians carry the good news(Matt.28:19-20;Rom. 10:15);

Sin is growing at an alarming rate all over the world; many people have not yet heard the gospel amongst the fast growing population world-wide;

The church has lost focus for evangelism and is focused more on pleasing people, and having a good time with messages/prophecies leaning more on worldliness, blessings in material things, titles…

Brethren, we are called upon to be watchful in all things, to do the work of an evangelist(in all the world), and to fulfil our ministry(2 Tim. 4:5). God desires that all men, everywhere, be saved. Let us not fail God. Now that we know these things, we shall be blessed if we do them to the glory of God. Be blessed in Jesus name. Shalom./-


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