Uncategorized – Eternity Gospel Radio https://eternitygospelradio.org 96.5 FM MHz Sat, 17 Aug 2024 15:31:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Empowering the Future: Join the “Equip Children” Initiative for a Brighter Tomorrow https://eternitygospelradio.org/empowering-the-future-join-the-equip-children-initiative-for-a-brighter-tomorrow/ https://eternitygospelradio.org/empowering-the-future-join-the-equip-children-initiative-for-a-brighter-tomorrow/#respond Sat, 17 Aug 2024 15:14:17 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=1502 As the new academic year 2024/2025 approaches, millions of children around the world are eagerly preparing to return to school. However, for many less privileged children, the excitement is short-lived due to the harsh reality of financial constraints. In Limbe, Cameroon, a significant number of orphans, internally displaced children (IDPs), and children from low-income families are struggling to access basic educational necessities like school fees, books, uniforms, and stationery.

In response to this pressing need, Eternity Gospel Radio, Limbe, has launched the “Equip Children” initiative, a platform dedicated to supporting the education and well-being of these vulnerable children. This laudable effort aims to bridge the gap between privilege and underprivilege, ensuring that every child has an equal opportunity to succeed.

The Plight of Less Privileged Children

The statistics are staggering. According to UNESCO, approximately 258 million children and youth are out of school globally, with the majority being girls and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. In Cameroon, the situation is equally dire, with many children forced to abandon their educational pursuits due to financial constraints.

The consequences of inaction are far-reaching. Without access to quality education, these children are more likely to be trapped in a cycle of poverty, exploitation, and social exclusion. Their future prospects are severely limited, and their potential for growth and development is stifled.

The “Equip Children” Initiative: A Call to Action

In recognition of this pressing need, Eternity Gospel Radio, Limbe, is appealing to friends, partners, brothers, and sisters to join forces in supporting the “Equip Children” initiative. This platform seeks to provide essential educational resources to less privileged children, empowering them to attend school with dignity and confidence.

The initiative has identified a significant number of children in and around Limbe who require assistance with school fees, books, uniforms, shoes, school bags, pens, pencils, and other educational materials. Your generous support can help bridge this gap and bring hope to these deserving children.


children, group, village-3319460.jpg

How You Can Help

The “Equip Children” initiative invites you to be part of this worthy cause through your hearty donations. Your contribution can take various forms:

* **Financial Support:** Donate via Mobile Money (682796589/677631417) or Orange Money (699999665).
* **Material Donations:** Provide educational resources such as books, uniforms, shoes, school bags, pens, pencils, and other essential materials.
* **Volunteer Your Time:** Join the team on the designated distribution day to help hand over gifts to the children.

Distribution Day: A Celebration of Hope

The “Equip Children” initiative has programmed a special day for the distribution of gifts to the less privileged children. This event promises to be a celebration of hope and generosity, as the community comes together to empower the future generation.

* **Date & Time:** Saturday, 31st August 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
* **Venue:** Conference Hall, Eternity Gospel Radio, Bota – Limbe.


The “Equip Children” initiative is a testament to the power of collective action and the impact that can be achieved when individuals and organizations come together to support a worthy cause. By joining this effort, you can help create a brighter future for less privileged children in Limbe and beyond.

As Maurice WELABI NGUEMAKO Esq., founder of Eternity Gospel Radio, aptly puts it, “Giving is Love; love is sacrificial.” Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the life of a child.

Let us join forces to empower the future generation and create a world where every child has access to quality education, regardless of their background or financial situation.

**Contact Information:**

For more information, please call 678227228/682796589/675031017 or visit www.eternitygospelradio.org

Together, we can make a difference and equip less privileged children for a brighter tomorrow.

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Finding Hope in the Darkest Times: A Message of Encouragement https://eternitygospelradio.org/finding-hope-in-the-darkest-times-a-message-of-encouragement/ https://eternitygospelradio.org/finding-hope-in-the-darkest-times-a-message-of-encouragement/#respond Thu, 15 Aug 2024 23:15:21 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=1283 As humans, we all face challenges and setbacks at some point in our lives. Whether it’s a personal struggle, a relationship issue, or a professional setback, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of hope. However, it’s in these darkest times that we need hope the most. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of hope, its importance, and provide practical tips on how to cultivate it, even in the most difficult situations.

Understanding the Nature of Hope

Hope is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be understood in different ways. At its core, hope is the expectation of a positive outcome or a better future. It’s the spark that ignites our motivation, drives us to take action, and gives us the strength to persevere.

According to psychologist Charles Snyder, hope is composed of three main components:

  1. Goals: Having clear and achievable goals gives us direction and purpose.

  2. Pathways: Identifying the steps needed to achieve our goals helps us create a plan and take action.

  3. Agency: Believing in our ability to make a difference and take control of our lives empowers us to make positive changes.

The Importance of Self-Care

Taking care of ourselves is essential for maintaining hope. When we’re physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted, it’s challenging to muster the energy to hope for a better future. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Here are some self-care practices that can help you cultivate hope:

  • Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to calm your mind and reduce stress.

  • Exercise: Engage in physical activity that brings you joy, such as walking, running, or dancing.

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and gratitudes to process your emotions and reflect on your experiences.

  • Sleep: Prioritize getting enough sleep to help your body and mind recharge.



Building a Support Network

Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people can help us stay hopeful, even in the darkest times. Building a support network of friends, family, or a therapist can provide us with:

  • Emotional support: Having someone to talk to and share our feelings with can help us feel heard and understood.

  • Practical help: Receiving assistance with daily tasks or errands can alleviate some of the burden and give us more time to focus on our well-being.

  • New perspectives: Hearing different viewpoints and ideas can help us see things from a new angle and find creative solutions to our problems.

Finding Hope in the Darkest Times

When faced with adversity, it’s natural to feel hopeless. However, it’s in these moments that we need to dig deep and find the strength to hope. Here are some strategies to help you find hope in the darkest times:

  • Reframe your thinking: Challenge negative thoughts and reframe them in a more positive light.

  • Focus on the present: Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, focus on what you can control in the present moment.

  • Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories, even if they seem insignificant.

  • Practice gratitude: Reflect on the things you’re thankful for, no matter how small they may seem.


Finding hope in the darkest times requires effort, patience, and perseverance. By understanding the nature of hope, prioritizing self-care, building a support network, and using practical strategies to cultivate hope, we can overcome adversity and emerge stronger and more resilient.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hope is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be understood in different ways.

  • Self-care is essential for maintaining hope and includes practices such as mindfulness, exercise, journaling, and sleep.

  • Building a support network of positive and supportive people can provide emotional support, practical help, and new perspectives.

  • Finding hope in the darkest times requires reframing negative thoughts, focusing on the present, celebrating small wins, and practicing gratitude.

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Experiencing the true joy ! https://eternitygospelradio.org/experiencing-the-true-joy/ Tue, 12 Jul 2022 01:53:09 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=896 Christian Wandji, my grandson, would live to remember that day; it would be engraved in his memory forever, I believe. It was a day of joy. That day was the 07th of June, 2022. I quite remember that day very well because, my wife and myself were on vacation from Cameroon, to celebrate with Christian. He was amongst the hundreds of students who graduated from the Nicholas Senn High School, Chicago, USA, on that day. Together with Christian’s parents and some family members, we attended the graduation ceremony  at the 100 years old gigantic and impressive Chicago Symphony Orchestra hall in down town Chicago, USA. The entire event was simply mind blowing, impressive, attractive and exquisite. The organization was  impeccable, the renditions by the Senn Advanced Band and Orchestra were professionally done pulling applauses from the audience, whilst the graduating students all dressed in their beautiful graduation robes, were very hilarious.

A grandiose graduation ceremony

The ceremony kicked off with several items, notably: the ceremonial opening, the presentation of the colours, singing of the US national anthem, address by the keynote speaker, address of the Principal, address of Salutatorian, address of Valedictorian. The grand moment came for the handing over of certificates. I watched in awe as the names of the graduating students were called out one by one, and they marched unto the platform in turns, to receive their individual certificates from the hands of the Principal, Janelle Hatch-Miller.

 I could perceive the Principal, Janelle Hatch-Miller congratulating each graduating student, as she handed over their certificate with a handshake, a smile and even with a pat on the back. It was as if she was saying to each student, “Congratulations, well done, you are great…” It was indeed a great day for the graduating students, as they were about stepping into another phase of their lives. They had every reason to celebrate, having gone through a lot of hardship during the various classes over the years.

The above scenario is  undoubtedly replicated regularly in our daily lives worldwide, when people witness either job appointments, promotions, success in examinations or the winning of an election. These are all moments of joy and celebration of triumph over stress, temptations and other negative forces.

As I reflected over the graduation ceremony, my mind was drawn to what transpired between Jesus Christ and His disciples as narrated in the gospel of Luke 10:1-24. In this Bible passage, we are told amongst other things that, Jesus appointed seventy-two disciples, and sent them two by two to go before Him into every city and place where He Himself was to go. Jesus gave these seventy-two a specific assignment saying, amongst other things,

Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road…And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The Kingdom of God has come near you.’

The joy of a job well done.

The Bible further tells us (v.17) that, the seventy-two returned from their mission with joy, saying to Jesus, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name.What good report of a successful mission trip by the seventy-two disciples ! The Bible says that they returned with joy! Indeed, there was every reason humanly speaking for them to be full of great joy at the result of their expedition. We can imagine that by the grace of God, they had fought and overcome the demon of fear and intimidation, the demon of incomprehension and rejection, the demon of hunger and thirst, the demon of stress, the demon of sickness in the people, the demon of unbelief, and what have you? In brief, they reaped a huge harvest from the mission field in the name of Jesus Christ.

In that Bible passage, Jesus Christ Himself was overwhelmed with joy and exclaimed that, He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven! He went on to give the disciples the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy..(v. 18, 19). What Jesus said next is of great significance and interest to us here. He said, Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the Spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (v.20).

Achievements or accomplishments in life are indeed worth celebrating. It is normal to organize ceremonies to celebrate these achievements or accomplishments when they come; however, what matters is the manner and magnitude of such celebrations. These may differ from one culture to another. In some cultures, huge feasts are organized at very high costs to celebrate for instance, success at an examination, a job appointment, the winning of a contest or a contract, the buying of a house or a car, a marriage, the birth of a child, you name it. Many people even incur very huge debts just to engage in these celebrations.

The true joy to celebrate 

Family attending the graduationIt is good for us to go ahead and celebrate our life achievements or accomplishments, just like the disciples did theirs in Luke 10 recounted hereinabove. Jesus was extremely happy about all these, but He however went ahead and cautioned the disciples saying, Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the Spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”(Luke 10:20). By this statement, Jesus Christ was driving home the point, which holds very strongly till date in our lives today that, the greatest achievement or accomplishment for every man or woman, boy or girl, is to have your name written in heaven ! Your educational degrees, top jobs, huge businesses, massive mansions, fat bank accounts, acknowledgments or decorations, marriages, children etc, have their places in your life, but they are of secondary importance !

In the Book of Revelation Chapter 20, Apostle John gives us a picture of what will happen to those whose names will not be found written in heaven, as revealed to him by God:

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it…And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books…And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:11, 12,15). N.B.: This would not be a good experience at all; the lake of fire will be a place of perpetual torment: Matt. 13:41-42, 50;Luke 16:23-24.

On the contrary, there would be everlasting joy for those whose names will be found written in heaven, in the Book of Life: they shall be richly rewarded, they shall be blessed, and shall have the right to the tree of life, and shall enter through the gates into the holy city of heaven, where God will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying (Rev. 21, 22). Indescribable joy and fulfilment in heaven awaits those whose names will be written in heaven.

My friend, let me ask you this question: is your name written in heaven, in the Book of Life? If not, hurry up before it is too late. Call on Jesus Christ now to be your Lord and Saviour. Tell Him you love Him, and desire to follow in His footsteps of obedience, love, humility, honesty, servanthood and faithfulness to God all the way. 

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SECRET TO A BETTER LIFE https://eternitygospelradio.org/secrets-to-a-better-life/ Tue, 05 Jul 2022 02:59:58 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=880 Books, books and books everywhere- in the living room, in the dining room, in the bedrooms, on the cupboard shelves and in the drawers, even in the bathrooms and in the garage ! That was the picture of my brother’s home in the Northside of Chicago, when I visited him. I was very impressed by what I saw. This was so because the scenario was not very much different from mine, save for the fact that I have no books in my bathroom or garage. I however have an advantage that my ministry and legal offices are loaded with quantities of books . We are definitely not the only ones who have books loaded in our homes and offices. We even have public libraries in many localities made available to people.

Are there many books everywhere, but few people to read them ? I have often heard the complaint that generally, people don’t love to read books. There is the argument that people prefer to spend hours either watching TV, chatting or talking on the phone, working on their computers or complaining of socio-economic problems, than reading books. Is this a true assertion? What do you think about this?

A pastor friend I met the other day offered a different opinion. He stated that people do read books, but only books that are relevant to their immediate needs ! He said for instance, if people are in financial problems, they read books on how to generate and manage finances; If they have marital problems, they read books on marriage, etc. Again, is this a true assertion? What is your opinion on all of these ?

Some people seem to have a different attitude about books. Let us consider this story. There was this young man, whose father gave him a Bible as his wedding gift. As it is the case with some of us, this son took the Bible home, placed it on his bookshelf, and forgot about it. Indeed, he never touched the Bible, not to talk of reading it.
About a year or two later, this son called his father and begged for money. The father, on his part, asked the son twice whether he had been reading the Bible that he, the father, offered him on the day of his wedding. The son answered in the affirmative on each occasion. As noted earlier, the son never read this Bible.

When the son said he had been reading the Bible, the father answered that if he had been reading that Bible, then he, the son, would not be complaining of poverty so soon, and begging for money. The father then asked the son to go and open the Bible again, and to report back what he found inside. The father actually insisted on this.
The son then reluctantly, brought down the Bible from the shelf where it had been lying all the while; he wiped the dust off the Bible and opened it. Guess what? He found several US dollar notes lined inside the pages of the Bible ! These amounted to a very huge amount, which was capable of sustaining the son and his wife for about five (5) Years. Unknown to this son, the father had secretly inserted this money in the pages of the Bible for the son. So, who says there is no money in the Bible? We are speaking literally. Indeed, the good news is that, not only is money found in the Bible, but everything we need in life is found in the Bible – the most important Book ever (This is for another story).

It has been said that, “if you open a book, you open a new world…Books are packed with knowledge, insights into a happy life, life lessons…helpful advice.”(Anonymous). If this were not so, then why do people spend millions of hours writing books, and equally spend millions of dollars publishing them? Further, if this were not true, then why would people and institutions spend billions of dollars establishing schools, libraries and bookstores? And then, answer this question: if the things we need in life were not found in books, then why would my brother and myself have our homes and offices practically filled with books dealing with various areas of life? If this were not so, why would individuals and institutions invest heavily in books?

There are worthwhile secrets in life that you need, that can only be found in books !Books can impact and transform your life; books can inspire you to higher heights; books can give you some new learning, and much more. Go on, get to the books, read them, understand them, learn the lessons, and most importantly, put the lessons you learn into practice relentlessly. Hope to see you at the top !

What do you think about this article? Make your comments known. Most importantly, if you love it, share it with others. Thank you.



Hits: 77

THE OLD BE GONE https://eternitygospelradio.org/the-old-be-gone/ Fri, 01 Jul 2022 19:39:28 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=878 It is not unusual to be happy when something new comes up. Thus we wish you a happy new month and the next. We believe you experienced many things in the previous month, which probably brought either joy or sorrow into your lives. However, in all things the Bible says, “give thanks” to God.

For those things which brought sorrow, doubt, fear or some mixed feelings into your lives, we say “cheer up” ! You are still alive, and there is hope of a brighter future. Do not allow those things to weigh down on you and stagnate your life. You have to be positive.

God is saying, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a NEW THING. Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it ? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”- Isaiah 43:18-19.

Friends, God has no hands, no feet, etc, but ours. God can only do the new things He has promised, through people like You ! God is looking for people through whom He can work His wonders and blessings! Will you be one of those people ?

May you be that person through whom God will do new things for the blessing of His people in this season. For this to happen, you first of all have to be made new(renewed) in your inner man before God can use you to bless His people. Remember, new wine should be poured only in new wineskins for maximum effect, and a piece of an old garment should not be put on an old one(Luke 5:36-37)..

If this is your desire, then you need to make a commitment now to be a positively new person(vessel) suitable for God’s purpose. Beginning this new month, be a new person in your love of God and man; in your positive thought processes; in your positive actions of all sorts; in practicing kindness to others; in your love, respect and help of others; new strategies and attitudes in accomplishing tasks and assignments; in having new visions and perspectives… Be a new person in your heart, and the newness shall be reflected in your positive lifestyle. Just try it, and share this truth with others. See you in our next write up.

Tel: +1 678227228/whatsApp & Call

Hits: 73

TAKE NOTICE: SALT YOUR WORDS https://eternitygospelradio.org/take-notice-salt-your-words/ Thu, 30 Jun 2022 01:27:02 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=876 As we were growing up, whenever we had no money to buy tooth paste, we would often use salt to brush our teeth clean. Also, when we had no sugar to ‘drink soaked garri’, we quickly ran for salt. Indeed salt is so common, yet very important in our daily lives. Amongst other things, we use salt to make our meal tasty, to season our fish, meat and other foodstuffs. Salt is also used in treating wounds and other diseases. Thus, salt has the power to kill germs and enhance life in general !

Just like salt, our words, either written or spoken, equally have power. Words can destroy, kill or build up lives. Words have been known to destroy visions, ambitions, projects, characters, egos, personalities, relationships, destinies and what have you? Words can bring joy or sorrow to our lives. Words have been known to bring either smiles or tears to people’s faces. Do we thus care about the effects that our words may have on others? Beware, our idle words have grave consequences (Matt.12:36). Friends, we are called upon to mind our words, for they have power to either destroy, kill or build. It is better to build up lives than to destroy them. The Bible says, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth (or pen), but what is good for the necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers(readers)” (Eph. 4:29).

The Bible again says, “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Col. 4:6). This means that, our words should:
• Be sweet and appealing as salt;
• Be an edification and blessing to others as salt;
• Build others up and bring joy into their lives as salt;
• Attract people to us and not send them away as salt does;
• Help build fruitful relationships amongst peoples as salt does;
• Draw people to, and not away from, God as salt does.

Friends, let us consider the words that we speak or write to or about other persons: do our words fulfil the above prescriptions? We will make life better for ourselves and for others, if we season our words with salt (Col. 4:6).

You may ask: Is this possible? Yes, it is possible. Do this by having salt in yourselves, and by having peace with one another (Mark 9:49c). You are indeed expected to do this because, YOU are the salt of the earth! (Matt.5:13). The whole world is looking up to YOU, to make life here on earth to be sweet, appealing, glamorous, joyful, peaceful, friendly…by the power of your salty words to, and about, other persons. God bless you richly .


Hits: 84

GROW IN LEADERSHIP: Did You Bring Your Ethics to Work Today? https://eternitygospelradio.org/835-2/ Mon, 30 May 2022 03:15:10 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=835 Think you are a person of integrity and that you bring your highest standards of ethics to your workplace each day? You may reassess your thinking as you explore the topic of workplace ethics in this article. Lapses in workplace ethics can occur because of simple issues such as toilet paper, copy machines, and lunch signup lists.

Some failures to practice everyday workplace ethics are invisible. No one but you will ever know about the decision that you made, but each lapse in ethics affects your essence as an individual, as an employee, and as a human being. Even the smallest lapse in workplace ethics diminishes the quality of the workplace for all employees.

Each failure to practice value-based workplace ethics affects your self-image and what you stand for far more than it affects your coworkers. But the effect of your behavior on your fellow employees is real, tangible, and unpredictable, too.
What are signs that you know that your actions are substandard? You make up excuses, give yourself reasons, and that little voice of your conscience that chatters away in your head, tries to convince your ethical self that your lapse in workplace ethics is okay.
Examples: Following are examples of employees failing to practice fundamental workplace ethics. The solution? Change the behavior, of course. You may never have thought of these actions as problems with ethical behavior, but they are. And, all of them affect your coworkers in negative ways. Here are sixteen examples of employees failing to practice fundamental workplace ethics.

1. You are using the company restroom and use up the last roll of toilet paper, or the last piece of paper towel. Without thought for the needs of the next employee, you go back to work rather than addressing the issue.

2. You call in sick to your supervisor because it’s a beautiful day and you decide to go to the beach, or shopping, or ….

3. You engage in an affair with a coworker while married because no one at work will ever know, you think you’re in love, you think you can get away with it, your personal matters are your own business, the affair will not impact other employees or the workplace.

4. You place your dirty cup in the lunchroom sink. With a guilty glance around the room, you find no one watching and quickly leave the lunchroom.

5. Your company sponsors events, activities, or lunches and you sign up to attend and fail to show. Conversely, you fail to sign up and show up anyway. You make the behavior worse when you say that you took the appropriate action so someone else must have screwed up.

6. You tell potential customers that you are the vice president in charge of something. When they seek out the company VP at a trade show, you tell your boss that the customers must have made a mistake.

7. You work in a restaurant in which wait staff tips are shared equally, and you withhold a portion of your tips from the common pot before the tips are divided.

8. You have sex with a reporting staff member and then provide special treatment to your flame.

9. You take office supplies from work to use at home because you justify, you often engage in company work at home, or you worked extra hours this week, and so on.

10. You spend several hours a day using your work computer to shop, check out sports scores, pay bills, do online banking, and surf the news headlines for the latest celebrity news and political opinions.

11. You use up the last paper in the communal printer, and you fail to replace paper leaving the task to the next employee who uses the printer.

12. You hoard supplies in your desk drawer, so you won’t run out while other employees go without supplies they need to do their work.

13. You overhear a piece of juicy gossip about another employee and then repeat it to other coworkers. Whether the gossip is true or false is not the issue.

14. You tell a customer or potential customer that your product will perform a particular action when you don’t know if it will, and you didn’t check with an employee who does.

15. You allow a part that you know does not meet quality standards leave your workstation and hope your supervisor or the quality inspector won’t notice.

16. You claim credit for the work of another employee, or you fail to give public credit to a co-worker’s contribution, when you share results, make a presentation, turn in a report or in any other way appear to be the sole owner of a work product or results.

This list provides examples of ways in which employees fail to practice workplace ethics. It is not comprehensive as hundreds of additional examples are encountered by employees in workplaces daily.
To read this article in its entirety, go to: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/did-you-bring-your-ethics-to-work-today-1917741

By Susan M. Heathfield

Hits: 94

Have better life with Jesus https://eternitygospelradio.org/have-better-life-with-jesus/ Mon, 30 May 2022 03:09:43 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=833 Dear friend, I am glad that you are reading this. You shall indeed be blessed. From the beginning of creation, the devil tried to destroy humanity as a whole that included you, in destroying the harmony that reigned between God and man.-Genesis 3.The devil caused man to sin against God, and man was driven from the presence of God. Man had sinned and come short of the glory of God- Rom. 3:23. But God being a loving Father, continued to love man anyway, and still does.
I want you to know that God has good plans for you in this generation for He says, “For I know the plans that I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”-Jeremiah 29:11.(NIV)

The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”-John 3:16.(NIV).”But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”-Rom. 5:8(NIV).The good news is that, by dying on the cross, Jesus did not condemn us, but He saved us from our sins- John 3:17-18.
Salvation is not automatic anyway. We need to believe in Jesus , and receive Him in our lives as our personal Lord and Saviour; this would now give us the right to become children of God – John 1:12; Rom. 10:9.

Bear in mind that a life without Jesus is an empty life ? Are you now ready to put your trust in Jesus, who is the only One who can give you real forgiveness of sins, lasting peace and the right to enter the kingdom of God as His child ? If that is your desire, then allow your heart to be changed by sincerely repeating this simple prayer:
“Dear Jesus, I repent of my sins. Please come into my heart. I receive you as my personal Lord and Saviour. I am no longer my own; but I now belong to you totally. Thank you for saving me. Amen

Praise God ! You now have Jesus, and you are now a child of God ! There is celebration in heaven now because of you !-Luke 15:7. I am indeed very glad for you because, you have done just the right thing by putting your complete trust in Jesus. I encourage you to go and be baptized as prescribed by the Lord Himself and His scriptures- Matt. 28:19;Mark 16:16; Acts 2:28.
Now that you have Jesus the Christ, there are a couple of things that you have to do in order to grow in your new found faith:

1. Fellowship- Heb.10:25. Look for a Bible-based church and fellowship there. Also attend Christian conferences, seminars, crusades and other Christian gatherings. You have to be fed spiritually by vessels that God has prepared for that purpose; further, the faith of others shall encourage you. Do not neglect the fellowship of the brethren.

2. Bible Study and Meditation-2 Tim. 2:15;Joshua 1:8. Read, study and meditate on the Word of God EVERYDAY. The Bible says, “Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk (the Word of God), so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.”-1 Peter 2:2. Pray for the Hoy Spirit to help you.

3. Prayer- Live a life of prayer. Prayer is to every child of God like breathing is to man. The Bible says, “Pray without ceasing”- 1 Thes. 5:17. Prayer is our lovely communication with God, our Father. A prayerless believer is a dead man. Jesus always communicated with His Father through prayers, so should you.

4. Obedience– For you to succeed in your spiritual journey, you must live a life of obedience .i.e. do the Word of God- Joshua 1:8. Do not only be a hearer of the Word, but be a doer- James 1:22. Jesus says, “You are my friend if you do what I command”.-John 15:14.Obedience here entails following in the footsteps of Jesus and living the kind of life that He lived here on earth, to wit: holiness, servanthood, humility, love.. Philippians 2:5-8.; I Cor.13:13.
5. Soul winning or Evangelism- Tell other persons about your new experiences in Jesus Christ; tell them what Jesus has done and is doing for you, for by so doing you will help them too to put their trust in Him- Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15.The Bible also says, “ Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness (will shine),like the stars for ever and ever.”-Daniel 12:3.

My friend, if you do all these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ- 2 Peter 1:10-11.(NIV)
Now that you have Jesus, always be reminded of the following promises of God for you:

1. Expect His presence in your life-John 14:23:  Jesus answered and said “…, If a man love me, he will keep my word: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

2. You can expect your prayers to be answered-Psalms 55:17-“Evening , and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice”.;Also: Isaiah 65:24.

3. God will keep you-Romans 8:38-39:  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

4. God will work miracles in your life- John 14:13-14: Jesus answered “:..And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.If ye shall ask me anything in my name, that will I do”.

Now that you have Jesus, you can make heaven; you should make heaven. Be steadfast in following Jesus. He loves you, I love you too. If you need help at any time, please feel free to get in touch with me. I will gladly attend to you. God bless you richly./-


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Preaching The Gospel In All The World https://eternitygospelradio.org/preaching-the-gospel-in-all-the-world/ Mon, 30 May 2022 03:05:43 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=831 Dear Brethren, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. I am prompted in my spirit to ask: what is our attitude to evangelism and soul winning? What preoccupies our minds when we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ? Are we preoccupied with doing God’s will or to fulfil or own selfish agendas?

Soul winning is what moves God; soul winning is what makes God most happy. God has impressed in our hearts that He wants to do new things in the lives of His people. God wants a new spirit within us as far as soul winning is concerned; He wants us to adopt new strategies in evangelism and ultimately soul winning.

I had the opportunity of meeting Bishop WAHL Abrahams of Namibia, during the Africa Haggai Institute Alumni Summit in Accra, Ghana. He made a statement that has remained inscribed in my memory. He said God told him one day that, He (God) has called us to the church without the walls, but we are comfortable in the church within the walls. Bishop WAHL Abrahams narrated that, when he got this message from God, he immediately put aside his Bishopric seat and garments, and started moving into the streets personally to evangelize and win souls.

Can there be a better truth than what God told Bishop Wahl Abrahams, considering what is happening around us today? It is easily observed that, many Ministers of the gospel and their followers have a very high denominational or ‘churchy’ mindset. Many of them do not care about what is happening out of the four walls of the church house. They have no preoccupation about evangelism and soul winning – they may mention these at times, but have no burden for lost souls who are out of the church walls ! At best, these people are invited to come to the church house for programs or services.

Brethren, it is high time that we develop a Kingdom mindset. It is time we move out of the church walls (though not neglecting the people within the church walls), to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world, to the nations. Brethren, let us take the gospel to those millions of people who are out of the church walls, and bring them to the place of commitment to Jesus’ lordship over their lives: Matt. 28:19-20;Mk. 16:15-16.
Brethren, dear Ministers of the gospel, dear disciples, there is the urgency for us to increase and improve on our evangelism and soul winning focus and strategies. This is so, for the following reasons, as some studies have shown:
Islam is gaining more grounds and advancing faster than Christianity, whereas we the Christians carry the good news(Matt.28:19-20;Rom. 10:15);

Sin is growing at an alarming rate all over the world; many people have not yet heard the gospel amongst the fast growing population world-wide;

The church has lost focus for evangelism and is focused more on pleasing people, and having a good time with messages/prophecies leaning more on worldliness, blessings in material things, titles…

Brethren, we are called upon to be watchful in all things, to do the work of an evangelist(in all the world), and to fulfil our ministry(2 Tim. 4:5). God desires that all men, everywhere, be saved. Let us not fail God. Now that we know these things, we shall be blessed if we do them to the glory of God. Be blessed in Jesus name. Shalom./-


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What Makes Eternity Gospel Radio Different? https://eternitygospelradio.org/827-2/ Sun, 29 May 2022 19:42:17 +0000 https://eternitygospelradio.org/?p=827 There are other radio stations, but there is Eternity Gospel Radio FM 96.5 Mhz, ‘Your Guardian Angel’! Read on to know the difference:
“The gospel programs of Eternity Gospel Radio make you to know the Bible more.” -Mbah Linus.
“The messages from Eternity Gospel Radio take away your worries, and draw you closer to God.”- Eposi Mbella.

“ As I feed from the Word of God when reading my Bible, so too I am fed from Eternity Gospel Radio. So if I am not reading my Bible, I must listen to Eternity Gospel Radio.”-Nkwetta Oponde.
“Eternity Gospel Radio has been my favorite station…it is special and different from other radio stations because on it, the talk more is about the Supreme God; Eternity Gospel Radio provides the public with true spiritual food, prays live with those who need prayers whether they request for it or not; the radio provides us with spiritual songs which heal our souls always. In short, it is so advantageous to the public. I will not forget to say that Pastors from all denominations are given the opportunity to preach over the radio, which is good. All I have mentioned about Eternity Gospel Radio, happen on a regular basis, which makes a great difference.”- Linda Eyong.

“The difference is clear, for the Word of God that comes from Eternity Gospel Radio inspires me, and the workers are good examples of Christ Jesus.”- Timah Eric.
“Eternity Gospel Radio trains her journalists to work in the path of the most high, God Almighty. The radio is patient enough to educate her new workers to be conscious of the vision and mission to do their job to the glory of God, so that the society can learn from them. Journalists of Eternity Gospel Radio are directed to build their careers on Christ the Solid Rock, that cannot be shaken by any forces of evil, jealousy or envy. This would enable them to shine like a city built on a hill…” – M. Azueh Catherine.

You have read these testimonies yourselves and understood. Eternity Gospel Radio impacts the lives of people and communities, and draws them closer to Jesus Christ and to each other. We bring solace and hope to the hopeless with the Gospel of Christ Jesus. We educate people and communities, and make their lives better through Godly principles and resources.
We set our listeners free from ignorance and other bondages, by preaching to, and teaching them, the undiluted Word of God.
The story about Eternity Gospel Radio is the same from Limbe to Buea, from Mutengene to Ekona and Muyuka, from Isokolo to Malabo, from Douala to Nkongsamba, and wherever our airwaves take us!

The difference from other radio stations is very clear:
Eternity Gospel Radio helps to make our listeners, staff/volunteers and partners relevant wherever they are implicated, be it in the family, community, ministry or in the marketplace. Eternity Gospel Radio is ‘Your Guardian Angel’ to usher you into your God-ordained destiny unto eternity./-

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